Al Nasr Coalition: We welcome the announcement of an early date for the elections and hope for fairness
Statements and Initiatives

Al Nasr Coalition: We welcome the announcement of an early date for the elections and hope for fairness

"Al Nasr Coalition" welcomes Mr. Al-Kadhemi's appointment of the sixth of June 2021 AD as the date for holding the parliamentary elections. The Coalition hopes that all political institutions and forces will express solidarity to overcome the obstacles related to the electoral law, the performance of the commission, and the governmental procedures guaranteeing fair and free elections, away from guardianship, hegemony, and fraud.

 "Al Nasr Coalition" stresses that the credibility of the entire political system depends on the upcoming electoral process and the extent of its integrity and expression of the people's powers and aspirations, and the formation of an effective national government that is capable of drawing specific paths to serve the people and the state.