Al Nasr Coalition: We welcome the denial of the United Nations delegation to the Confederate formulation between Baghdad and Kurdistan region
Statements and Initiatives

Al Nasr Coalition: We welcome the denial of the United Nations delegation to the Confederate formulation between Baghdad and Kurdistan region

"Al Nasr Coalition” welcomes Mrs. Jenin Blackshart’s denial of the news that was credited to her about adopting the Confederate formulation as a solution to the outstanding problems between Baghdad and the Kurdistan region. We see in her affirmation the commitment to the unity and sovereignty of Iraq, and its political and constitutional system, a clarification commensurate with her functions as a representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and in line with the standards and obligations of the mandate granted to the United Nations Mission in Iraq.

 "Al Nasr Coalition" stresses that the role of the UN mission and the authorization that was given to it are bound to assist Iraq and not interfere in its affairs, and demands all diplomatic and UN missions to comply with its tasks in accordance with the requirements of Iraqi sovereignty and the constitution, and that any internal Iraqi dispute is resolved by Iraqi frameworks and in accordance with the Iraqi constitution and within the unity and sovereignty of Iraq.