Al Nasr Coalition: The continuation of terrorist operations creates many question marks

Al Nasr Coalition: The continuation of terrorist operations creates many question marks

The member of "Al Nasr Coalition" Hamza Al-Hardan affirmed Al Nasr's rejection of the continuation of terrorist operations, considering them unacceptable, and threatening m

Al Nasr Coalition: Whoever wants the legitimacy of ruling must obtain the legitimacy of representati

Al Nasr Coalition: Whoever wants the legitimacy of ruling must obtain the legitimacy of representati

The member of Al Nasr Coalition, Hassan al-Bahadli, stressed that the elections is the basis for the legitimacy of the political system, and the poll is the "womb" of the a

Member of Al Nasr Coalition: The elections will take place on time, and whoever disrupts its path wi

Member of Al Nasr Coalition: The elections will take place on time, and whoever disrupts its path wi

The member of Al Nasr Coalition, Ahmed Al-Wandi, confirmed that the elections will take place on 10/10, and the wheel is on its way, only exceptional events will stop it, a

Al-Suneed: Sovereignty cannot be achieved by adventures, and we demanded to maintain its momentum

Al-Suneed: Sovereignty cannot be achieved by adventures, and we demanded to maintain its momentum

The member of "Al Nasr Coalition" Ali Al-Suneed stressed that national sovereignty is not achieved by arrogance, adventurism, and ignorance of the laws of conflict and inte

Al Nasr Coalition: We demand to maintain the momentum to strengthen the requirements of sovereignty

Al Nasr Coalition: We demand to maintain the momentum to strengthen the requirements of sovereignty

Al Nasr Coalition welcomed and welcomes the results of the last round of the Iraqi-American strategic dialogue, and considers it a victory for Iraq, its interests, and sove