According to our duty towards the people and the state, Al Nasr coalition participated and participates in meetings and consultations with political forces, community elites, and domains activists in order to find a national solution to the current crisis.
Al Nasr Coalition confirms that what it always cares about and emphasizes is related to the criteria for selecting the commissioner and the tasks of the transitional phase. Here our position about any candidate boils down to our affirmation of the criteria, tasks, and meeting the demands of the people. Al Nasr does not and will not be an obstacle for any candidate for prime minister according to the vision below:
1-The patriotism, neutrality, and impartiality of the governance commissioner.
2-Forming a mini government to manage the transitional period, provided that it does not exceed one year after taking responsibility.
3-The primary tasks of the government are to conduct early and fair elections in partnership with UNAMI and no later than 12/31/2020, to control security, to confine arms to the state, to bring the perpetrators of the demonstrators and security forces to justice, and to neutralize the national decision.
4-Committing the designated Prime Minister to form a government away from the hateful party quotas while maintaining representation of national societal diversity.
5-Involving professional competencies and government activists, and appointing an advisor to the Prime Minister for mass demands, to ensure the public involvement in managing the transitional period.
6-Forming special (tripartite) committees from the government, the UNAMI, and the demonstrators, to oversee the following tasks: conducting elections, investigative committees for killing protesters and security forces.