Al Nasr condemns the American aggression and targeting the Popular Mobilization Forces Mujahideen
Statements and Initiatives

Al Nasr condemns the American aggression and targeting the Popular Mobilization Forces Mujahideen

"Al Nasr Coalition" condemns the American violation of Iraqi sovereignty, which led to the martyrdom of a group of Popular Mobilization Forces mujahideen, and we affirm Iraq's sovereign right to defend its people and state.

"Al Nasr" stresses the necessity of adhering to the Iraqi government's policy in dealing with internal and external files and crises, as it has the legitimate right to represent Iraq, fulfill its obligations, and defend its interests.

"Al Nasr Coalition" calls for unity of national ranks, unification of visions and positions, and for entrenchment behind the legitimacy of the state and its institutions in preserving the people, maintaining the regime, and securing the state.

Mercy for the martyrs, healing for the wounded, and pride for Iraq.