The member of "Al Nasr Coalition" Ahmed Al-Wandi confirmed the ability of Dr. Haider Al-Abadi to overcome all crises by relying on the tools of good governance, and giving priority to the logic of citizenship on sectarianism and political nationalism.
As part of his participation in the International Conference of the Diplomatic School in Madrid, Al-Wandi indicated the magnitude of the challenges that accompanied the rule of Dr. Al-Abadi, represented by the usurpation of vast lands by ISIS, and the drop in oil prices, amid the collapse of institutions, hoping that the next stage will be a continuation of Dr. Al-Abadi’s approach to managing the state.
Al-Wandi shared the visions and attitudes of "Al Nasr Coalition" in the current and future stage, the importance of early elections, and the government's readiness to hold it, stressing that Iraq today lives as a model of a powerless state due to the fragile governance equation that came with the 2018 government, and the consequences that were produced by that period, warning against repeating the same scenario.
The conference witnessed the participation of many heads of diplomatic missions accredited in the Kingdom of Spain, who raised many questions about the "Al Nasr" vision about the current challenges facing Iraq in terms of sovereignty and the interventions carried out by regional countries in Iraq, and about the "Iraqi Sovereignty" Initiative that Al-Abadi recently presented, and his concern for the unity of Iraq, the integrity of its territory, and the preservation of its sovereignty.
In response to the questions of the Director of the "Strategic Institute for Diplomatic Studies in Spain" about the economic aspect of "Al Nasr", Al-Wandi confirmed that Dr. Al-Abadi put forward at the end of his rule a five-year plan that seeks to reduce dependence on oil imports and switch to clean energy and move away from the rentier economy, but work has not been done and this is what we seek to implement in the next stage.
On the other hand, the attendees praised the period of Dr. Al-Abadi in terms of openness to the international community, hoping for the continuation of Al-Abadi's national project in the service of Iraq and Iraqis.