Al Nasr Coalition: The Speicher massacre will remain a deep wound in the national and human conscience
Statements and Initiatives

Al Nasr Coalition: The Speicher massacre will remain a deep wound in the national and human conscience

We recall on June 12, 2014, that ISIS gangs and those who colluded with them carried out the largest massacre of hatred, brutality, and terrorism against thousands of defenseless Iraqi young men, and led them to slaughter in a scene of blood that is unparalleled in history.

As we stand in front of the memory, proud of our people’s ability to avenge the martyrs of Speicher and all the victims of terrorism and barbarism, we affirm that the Speicher massacre will remain a deep wound in the national and human conscience, and an eternal remembrance of what the weakness of the state may lead to in terms of disasters, sedition and massacres. It is also a lesson that giving in to hatred, sectarianism, and barbaric ideas will only reap death and devastation from which no one will be survived. It is also a pause in regard that the justice of God and the law require punishing the perpetrator, the accomplice, the negligent, and the failure who caused and are causing death, destruction, and disasters to the people.

Peoples go through the stages of their setbacks and disasters, but one of the signs of living peoples is that they learn a good lesson to prevent their tragedies from recurring. Our people must be aware that there is no way to stop the series of disasters without awareness, solidarity, and pact on order, coexistence and peace, and building a just state.