Based on the goals and commitments adopted as a vision, policies, and rules of conduct, the identity of Al Nasr Coalition revolves around (the state) as a land, people, system, values, role and sovereignty.
So our slogan is: (State First), because we believe that the problem of Iraq is centered around the state, and that failing to produce a fair and rational state means chaos, deprivation, and the law of the jungle. We see that the effective national system of government is the basic lever and the solid core that is capable to preserve the existence, welfare, and sovereignty of the state, and that the sectarian ethnic harmony, abhorrent quotas, corruption, parties swallowing the state, groups conquering the state, fragmenting the unity of the state’s action and mortgaging its will for the foreigner are all the elements of the non-state that must be faced.
The years of 2014-2018 have proved the ability of Iraq to overcome the exhaustion and deprivation disasters if the state relies on national leadership, effective governance, and a solidarity people, and makes the state, its survival, safety, and power its primary goal. Accordingly, the political identity of Al Nasr movement is centered around the state as existence, structure, functions, and sovereignty on the basis of a trio: (the state of citizenship and institutions, effective and good governance, a united combined people), for the purpose of winning the state. Our main battle is the battle to win the state from the mouth of weakness or the dangers of fragmentation or the labyrinths of the unknown, to bring back the Iraqi state's presence, standing, and the highness of its people. We will continue to work for the state with pure patriotism, high responsibility, free will, bold leadership, and qualitative solidarity.
According to this vision, we work, and on the basis of which our political identity is formed, and upon it our national action is based.