The initiative of The National State Forces Alliance for the next stage
Statements and Initiatives

The initiative of The National State Forces Alliance for the next stage


1- The Iraqi reality today is very complex, dangerous and open-ended, and it is neither controlled nor coherent. And the actors in it are many, they are conflicting to the point of contradiction, and any new failure this time will lead to unconventional scenarios.

2- The real challenge is not in the formation of any governance equation, but rather in its type that is able to maintain it, and staying here is related to the nature of the factors producing the governance equation, and to the ability of the governance equation to deal with the various challenges by their nature and actors.



1- Assuming the crisis is over and working with the mentality of victory, is a mistake. (The crisis is coming).

2- Building the future on the basis of the present fords of disagreement, conflict and dealing, and the next on the basis of a permanent constitutional stage, is a mistake. (An exclusionary governance equation will deepen the sense of loss and injustice).

3- Producing the formula of the upcoming ruling on a factional, personal, narrow or adventurous basis, and not taking into consideration the struggles, repercussions and reactions of the influential forces, is a mistake. (Governance is an equation of interests, and politics is to achieve the interest with the least losses).

4- Not adopting and supporting “collectively” the upcoming governance equation and not making sure that it is qualitative, serious and “amazing”, is wrong. (A governance equation is capable of restoring the confidence of the political forces, reassuring the street and achieving a qualitative achievement, even at a minimum)

5- Rigidity or flexibility in managing the stage is a mistake. Rigidity alone leads to contradiction and refraction, and flexibility alone leads to weakness and loss. (Strength and flexibility are required with wisdom, discretion, responsibility and determination at the same time, in dealing with thorny and dangerous files).

6- Relying on the international community alone is wrong, because it does not provide solutions, as the world is preoccupied with itself. Ignoring its convictions is also not right. (We need plans, projects and local visions to succeed and continue to implement them and not vacillate and falter, and able to win the confidence of the world).

7- Betting on academic knowledge only and ignoring leadership ability and crisis management is wrong. (To confront and manage crises, we need leadership with vision, experience, will and realistic ability to make the state project a success and save the system).


Pillars of Governance Equation


First/ the Principles Adopted By the Governance Equation

1- There is no winner or loser, everyone wins.

2- Painful compromises while maintaining principles.

3- Neutralize the next stage.

4- Transitioning the next stage.

5- Relay the major controversial files.

6- Collective management.


Second/ the Governance Equation

1- Considering the next phase as transitional, ending with new elections, the duration of which is agreed upon.

2- Forming a balanced and moderate governance equation, a place of regional and international acceptance, and a place of reassurance for the participating and non-participating political forces in the government, in order to ensure the unity of the national ranks.

3- The basic functions of the next governance is to manage the transitional phase that ends with new elections, to restore the street’s confidence in the political system, and to ensure qualitative achievements regarding files of corruption, security, services or sovereignty.

4- A reassuring (and attractive) declaration of principles internally and externally by the forces that make up the government, for important and thorny issues, and as a support for the government.


Third/ Specifications of Governance Leadership

1- Academic and political qualifications associated with experience, competence, integrity and practical experiment.

2- A leadership that represents a state of reassurance for the participating and non-participating political forces in the government.

3- National neutrality on the basis of impartiality and political equilibrium.

4- Regional and international acceptability, to ensure a supportive environment and climate.

5- The government's unbiased performance by any political party, with written commitments.

6- Commitment to a political reference for the government that determines general policy and strategic issues.